OH my gosh I didn’t update my sketch journal yesterday!! *smacks forehead* I sat down in the chair in the living room and fell asleep. I was dead tired yesterday.
I got shocked monday morning. I touched the metal prongs on the plug when I was unplugging my computer. It was weird! My arm from the elbow down was sore the rest of the day.
What else… ah… man I have so much stuff due in the next week… gotta finish the play poster and my Faust work, finish off my Paris pic and do my art history paper.
Going to update my art page in a minute. whee.
I’m only getting $350 back on my taxes. Thieves!! I want ALLLL my money back. At least that’ll help go towards paying off my credit card.
In july, (july 31 to be exact) Antiques Roadshow is going to be in Memphis!!! I found out monday. Perfect timing – my grandmother gave me something on Sunday that’s she always promised to hand down to me, and she finally did. It’s a Shirley Temple doll from the thirties, in mint condition. (It belonged to her younger sister, who died very young, so the doll was simply stored away until my grandmother found it again and had it put in a framed box.) I guess it’s probably not going to astound people at the Roadshow, but I’ve always wanted to go to one!!!
Unfortunately, the same day is the Big Scoop, which I should be at in my Padme costumes taking pics with kids… Maybe I’ll get out of the Roadshow early enough to go over to the Big Scoop in time to join the rest of the Jedi for at least a little while.
And oh yeah, Tanja is coming to visit me!!! Ash where else can we go in Memphis??